Salmon jumping at confluence
of Klamath River and Scott River

Wohler Bridge over the Russian River

An alevin amidst hatchery eggs
at the Don Clausen Fish Hatchery
Below are links to connect you with organizations concerned with the
Russian River watershed and the local environment. If you live outside
the Russian River watershed, locate your local Riverkeeper or Waterkeeper.
Russian Riverkeeper
Friends of the Gualala River
The Sierra Club Redwood Chapter
Healdsburg Citizens for Sustainable Solutions
Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation
Russian River Watershed Association
Russian River Watershed Cleanup
Russian River Watershed Protection Committee
California Trout
Food & Water Watch
Occidental Arts and Ecology Center's WATER Institute
Friends of the Eel River
Redwood Empire Trout Unlimited
The Russian River, All Rivers LLC shall not assume any liability for the content of any external links. For the content of any linked sites, the exclusive responsibility rests with the respective owners.